Tuesday, June 29, 2010

To Answer A Question


Someone asked me today why I’m doing this?  Why am I spending all day at a job that I get paid for, only to return home and spend the majority of my free time trying to launch City Kidz Ottawa for free?    Here’s the gist of my answer: 

Despite the fact that Canada is considered one of the richest nations in the world, one in six children lives below Statistic Canada’s Low Income Cut Off, which varies depending on family size.  In 2001, the Low Income Cut Off in Canada for a family of three was $28,560.00 before taxes.  Stats Can also reports that in reality, most of those children live in families with incomes well below this level.  

As for Ottawa, many consider this city affluent.  It’s true this a government town and the capital of Canada, which spends millions every year to keep the city looking beautiful for tourists.  But while it may not be all that obvious if you don’t reside here year round, in fact there are at least 32,000 children living in families whose income levels are miles below the LICO.  Many of these are new Canadians, lone parent families or families affected by employment shortages.   Most would welcome a financial leg up, so to speak if one were to appear. 

Unfortunately, while Ottawa is doing its level best to meet these needs, most of our social assistance programs are stretched to the max and there’s just not enough funding to go around to help these families improve. As a result, there are possibly 32,000 children that are suffering with poor nutrition, inadequate housing and inadequate access to appropriate childcare.  It’s a problem.

Wouldn’t it be nice to treat some of these 32,000 children to an afternoon off from all the stress?  Maybe give Mom and Dad a break by picking the kids up by bus to bring them to the City Kidz Playhouse for a fun filled afternoon with games and songs and great friends and then delivering them home?   All for free!?? City Kidz does just that!! 

But the City Kidz mandate also goes deeper than that.  City Kidz exists to transform the lives of inner city children, break the cycle of hopelessness, and end child poverty.  We do this by inspiring children to dream big and to rise above their circumstances.  We instill faith based values and teach children to do the right thing and we provide new experiences and environments that inspire kids to unlimited possibilities.

One report I read says every kid has the right to have fun, grow and succeed.  I agree.  That’s what City Kidz is all about. 

That’s why I’m doing it.  Wouldn’t you?

…and ONE for all!!


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Case of the Missing Venue

The Kids

I am now in possession of the map that the City Planning Office so kindly prepared, marking off the areas and the numbers of low income families with children between 6 to 14 years old.  From what I can gather from this map, there are a lot of poor families spread pretty evenly across the city, but there are about three areas with significantly high numbers.   No real surprises there.  My next step will be to figure out what services are available in all the noted areas of the city (not just the three biggies) and find the area where the kids need City Kidz the most. Unfortunately, even though I’d love to be able to reach every child that I can, I can only pick one area to reach children.  I don’t have the manpower to reach an entire city YET.

The colours represent numbers.  The darker the colour the higher the number, eg brown equals 600+ children in low income families that live in that area - there's more to this map that's not been depicted in this photograph


The Location

Have you ever had a sense that you knew something was there, but you just couldn’t find it?  That’s pretty much how I’ve been feeling lately as I continue my search for a venue to hold City Kidz Ottawa.  I’ve called the city community and recreation centres and they’re not too encouraging because our program is to be held on Saturdays and they’re booked SOLID.  I’ve also tried calling the school board, and am getting basically the same response.  But I KNOW that there’s something out there for us SOMEWHERE.   I have this sense that the place is going to pop out of nowhere one of these days and I’m going to say, okay!  How simple was that!  Yes, I AM  a POSITIVE thinker.  Any thoughts????

One consideration, only to find out that it was closed on Saturday, had no storage and only a small room that would hold about 50 available.


Still only one very hardworking and dedicated volunteer.  Any others?

...And ONE for all!