Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Will You Help Ottawa’s Kids?

It’s been a great and encouraging fall but it would not have been possible if it were not for the generous financial gifts to City Kidz Ottawa by various concerned citizens of the city.   These people have given because they believe in what we do and are realistic enough to know that we need the finances in order to make it all happen.  City Kidz Ottawa is not a government funded program, but is a self-sustaining grassroots organization that runs on regular-people donations to help ensure that this vision to reach a city of children is kept alive. 

And that’s why I’d like to personally invite you to City Kidz Ottawa’s First Annual Fundraiser Dinner on November 25th, 2010.  Keynote speaker will be Todd Bender who has many stories to share from his 18+ years of experience as the Founder and Executive Director of City Kidz Ministry in Hamilton and is now reaching over 2,000 children per week.  You may have seen Todd Bender interviewed on 100 Huntley Street in recent years. 

All proceeds from tickets sales will go directly to the support of City Kidz Ottawa.  You can buy a ticket online by clicking here or you may write me to reserve your tickets at  You can also call the City Kidz office at 613-482-9747.  The Hardini Centre is located at 225-235 Donald Street, Ottawa, Ontario.  The building used to be a school and the entrance is the east door facing Donald marked “B”.  Tickets are $25.00 in advance or $30.00 at the door.  I’ll see you there! 


…And ONE for all!!

Wendy Turpin, Branch Coordinator

Halfway Through!

It’s hard to believe that City Kidz Ottawa is halfway through our first fall program.  And we are so encouraged!  General response for volunteer support to run the program has been very supportive, as new people are literally being added every week to assist in the program and fundraising activities. 

As for the kids, the Saturday Playhouse Theatre has been running every other Saturday since October 2, 1010 and we are consistently picking up 19 to 22 children by bus to bring them to the hour and a half program at the Hardini Centre.  In between Playhouse dates, we are going door to door to the homes of the registered children to say hi and hand them a flyer for the following week’s program.  Not only are the kids excited to see us, but it gives the parents a chance to meet those of us who are leading,  get an update on how their children are doing and perhaps ask for help for specific family needs.   I know that the parents like this feature a lot as they come to trust that we are doing our best to look after the best interests of their children.

So you see, City Kidz Ottawa is more than just a children’s program (as awesome as that is)!  It’s a place where low income families can connect with resources to meet their specific needs in the area they live in.  Currently we are serving the Vanier/Overbrook area, but eventually City Kidz Ottawa will be reaching out to all sectors of the city.  It’s a big dream but I don’t believe it’s an impossible one at all!  I’ve been meeting with leaders of several churches in the Vanier area and Greater Ottawa and members of the  Vanier service community such as Vanier Community Services and our MPP for Ottawa-Vanier Madeline Meilleur, who is also Ontario’s Minister of Community and Social Services.  Overall, the response from the community has been overwhelmingly positive.  It’s our hope that this network will grow as City Kidz grows and expands out to other parts of the city and eventually we will be able to connect the people we’re serving with various community services and churches in their areas. 

Thanks to all who have offered to support City Kidz Ottawa and because of YOU have made all of this possible!

…And ONE for all!!