Saturday, October 6, 2012

Why We Need You!

Crime Prevention Ottawa produced a report in 2009 entitled Ottawa Youth Gang Prevention Initiative. Within it, it identified six priority areas in Ottawa that are at-risk for youth-gang involvement, which includes the Overbrook area that our program is currently reaching.

As a city we are doing a lot better than most as far as gang involvement is concerned, but there are still concerns that this problem is emerging. The City Kidz mission is to come alongside young children who are at-risk and build their resilience and self-esteem and teach them right from wrong. We do this with the hope that these children will make the right choice when faced with the wrong. It also seems we are one of only a few in this city that is actually reaching this age group, because this report also identified gaps in programming for the 6-12 year old group, for early intervention for the prevention of youth-gang involvement. We need YOUR help.

City Kidz Ottawa is funded solely by concerned citizens like yourself. We have our Dream Banquet and Silent Auction coming up on November 8th. Will you come and bring your friends? Every dollar spent in Ottawa, stays in Ottawa for the benefit of Ottawa children. We need the community to provide the resources to keep this vital organization going at such a pivotal time for the betterment of Ottawa. Contact Wendy directly at 613-796-3063, or email at or purchase them online at City Kidz Ottawa

…And ONE for all!!